Thursday 3 October 2013

(52 photos) Dillion Harper Space Training


Dillion Harper bounced and climbed and contorted herself for this gallery. And me, in my limited wisdom, did not capture any video of it. Let it be known, I will deliver you video when I am given the opportunity. In fact, today, I shelled out cash for my first legit copy of video-editing software. To Adobe’s credit, they have finally wised up and offered people a way to use their products without forking over a hefty initial investment. But I did not pirate, even though I easily could have. May be I am getting long in the tooth. Anyways, it is clear that I am serious about video. Today, I also discovered and was hypnotized by this odd little gem of music: . Ever heard of Grimes? Almost as hypnotic as watching Dillion work out.

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(52 photos) Dillion Harper Space Training - -href='

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